Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Persistence, Perseverance and The Perilous Times Ahead

By Ray Gano

Persistence and perseverance seem to be my middle name. 
That is a good thing too.
I am really wondering if something big is getting ready to be unfolded?
I just look at the harrowing times that me and Tracye have been through.
Did we quit?
Were there times where I wanted to just let it all burn to the ground?
I have to be honest and say yes, but it was my persistence and perseverance that did not allow me to do that.
Because there is something coming.
I have shown you these verses before, but I am going to share them again with you.

Micah 5:5-6 5 And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men.
6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders.

Many Christians today believe that when Antichrist is revealed to the world and suddenly there will be some form of universal global governance almost overnight and controlled by this guy who will be worshiped as God himself.  
I don’t believe that…. AND … when you really dig into scripture and put down Late Great Planet 
Earth, you will find that out for yourself as well.
“Well Ray, I don’t have to worry about that because I am going to be raptured.”
Yeah? How do you know that?
We have 5+ different rapture theories that are running the gamut, how do you know that your certain flavor of rapture is going to happen?
Be honest with yourself, stop lying to yourself and get real… you don’t. You don’t know if your certain flavor of rapture is going to happen or not.
What we do know is that the proverbial poo is going to hit the fan here soon and YOU need to decide what YOU are going to do about it.
This is where persistence and perseverance come into play.

Persistence and Perseverance
In the last few years me and Tracye have had massive setbacks.
We go totally screwed out of $60K on property down in Panama. Yeah, lost it all and came back with 6 suitcases, 5 dogs and $5K in our pockets.
That was all we had.
But we were persistent and persevered and re-established ourselves back in the US in the great state of Texas in the wonderful city of Houston.
We have rebuilt, got a roof over our heads, a car to get us around, food on the table and doing God’s work.
Just recently my website was attacked and 15+ years of work is gone… literally gone.
Who ever attacked us had a serious bias against what I have been doing and writing about. As you may know, they destroyed our databases and also made sure we were not able to recover, destroyed our site back ups as well.
So, 15 years or hard work… POOF… gone.
Now, do I have all my PZ Insider Reports and such?
Yes I do.
Will it be time consuming to repost all these articles and such?
Yep… but it needs to be done so that the masses can read and hear the truth of what is going on.

So What Is Going On? What Is On My Radar?
Folks, I strongly believe that we are going to witness a global civil war of epic proportions.
This isn’t going to be a war between countries, well maybe it will.
This is going to be a literal war against good and evil, right and wrong, Jehovah’s side and Lucifer’s side.
Forgetting this get out of trouble rapture card that people like to pull, just looking at the facts we have some heavy stuff coming down the pipe and we need to get our heads on straight and figure out what we are going to do about it.
The reason I say that is I look at how hard the enemy has been hitting us.
We lost $60K in Panama and had to walk away from it.
That in and of itself hammered us into the ground.
But we were persistent, and we persevered.
We have had some other things happen to us when we got back to the US, but we were persistent, and we persevered.
Most recently our website was destroyed, the very thing that helps us put food on the table, keep the lights on and a roof over our head…. POOF GONE!(it is why I am posting here for a few)
But we are being persistent, and we will persevere.
All these things that have happened to us in just a few short years have caused Tracye and I to have some pretty thick skin, but also, we have adapted and overcome pretty quickly.
Any of these events would have probably caused many others to just pack it in and say forget it.
We didn’t we were persistent, and we persevered over some pretty big life changing events.
So here is my question to you.
Have YOU faced some pretty harrowing, life changing events these past couple of years?
Has God been toughening you up, preparing YOU for something bigger, harder? Somethingthat causes you to put on those big boy / girl pants and embrace the pain?
This is where I want to hear from you. I want to hear what major trials and tribulations you have been going through.
I truly believe that something big is going to transpire in the next 5-7 years and God is prepared a number of us to have absolute resolve in ourselves and the hardened brothers and sisters standing by our sides.
That is what He is doing… hardening us up for something bigger coming down the road.
Is God working in YOUR life, hardening you up for something?
Is God preparing our minds, bodies, spirits to have absolute resolve, persistence and perseverance?
WRITE ME… Tell me what fires God has put you through these past couple of years.

ray.gano@raygano.comDon’t go way back, just these past couple of years. Your story and my story… well I think there are similarities and I want to read them.
I have a working theory, but I need to hear from you.
EMAIL ME – ray.gano@raygano.com
Tell me what horrific trial have you been through and YOU persevered.
This is important folks.
2018 is the last generation and anything that happens now is a crap shoot.

Micah 5:5-6 5 And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men.
6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders.

This is where I believe we are headed too. To be part of this, we are going to be hardened soldiers for the Lord.
I believe that if YOU have been going through the purifying fires, God is preparing you for the above.
So, get back with me and tell me your story. It is critical that I hear from you.
EMAIL ME – ray.gano@raygano.com


1 comment:

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